Dealing with car accidents

If you read one thing today, make it this article! – Here is your step-by-step guide to dealing with car accidents

From bumper bashings to 10 car pile-ups on the highway, car accidents are an everyday occurrence on South African roads. If the worst happened and you were involved in a car accident would you know what to do at the accident scene? Keep reading to learn what to do.

Step 1: Stop and call for help

Stop, switch on your hazards to warn other vehicles and climb out of your car if it is safe to do so.

Call an ambulance and the police if passengers, drivers or pedestrians are injured.

You are required by law to stop your vehicle if you are involved in an accident and commuters and pedestrians are injured or killed or property is damaged. Failing to stop is considered a criminal offence.

You can also be criminally charged for failing to help someone who has been hurt in an accident you are involved in, even if the accident was not your fault. Remember, however, that as much as you want to help injured people you should not administer first aid unless you are qualified to do so.

Step 2: Clear the road 

Move any cars that are obstructing the flow of traffic, but be sure to mark their position on the road first with chalk or spray paint if available, or photograph the scene before the cars are moved.

If a person or animal has been injured in the accident do not interfere with the evidence or move any vehicles unless those vehicles are obstructing the traffic completely.

Step 3: Assess the damage

For insurance purposes take photos of the accident from as many different angles as possible.

Take close-up photos of any damage to your car and any other cars involved.

Step 4: Questions and answers

Takedown the following information from all other drivers involved in the accident as well as from people who witnessed the accident:

  • Full names and surnames
  • ID numbers
  • Home, cell and business phone numbers
  • Physical addresses
  • E-mail addresses
  • Vehicle registration
  • Description of the vehicles (make, model and colour)
  • Names and contact details of the police officials, paramedics and tow truck drivers
  • Your location: street name and suburb
  • The time of the accident
  • Road conditions and visibility

Remember to also take note of what happened immediately before and after the accident, for example, was the other driver drunk, talking on his/her cell or driving too fast.

Note: You need this information if you want to submit a claim to your insurance company or the Road Accident Fund or if you want to claim the cost of the repairs to your car from other drivers.

Step 5: Report the accident to the police 

Report the accident to the police within 24 hours. If you are injured or in hospital and cannot report the incident within 24 hours, do so as soon as you possibly can and explain why your report is delayed.

Note: It is an offence not to report an accident in which another person has been injured or in which someone else’s property has been damaged even if neither of the parties intends to take legal action.

Step 6: Report the accident to your insurance company 

Report the accident to your insurance company and submit a claim where relevant.

Note: Report the accident to your insurance company even if you don’t intend to submit a claim to them. This is important because if you caused the accident another party involved in the accident may wish to make a claim against your policy.

Important notes  

Write down the name, contact details and vehicle registration number of the tow truck driver and find out where your car is being taken

Final word
A car accident will leave you dazed and confused. Take a moment to collect your thoughts, take a few deep breaths and remember to try and remain as calm as possible.

Step 7: Get a quote to repair your car
This is the easiest of all the steps, simply speak to us at Giorgio Express Auto Body Repairs for a free quote

Best of all, you also have peace of mind knowing we are Insurance approved!

Voted the best automotive repair shop in KwaZulu Natal. Our staff are highly qualified and experienced. Together with our state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to ensure that you and your vehicle are in good hands. We specialise in complex and intricate repairs, spray painting and polishing of the highest quality.

For more information:

(039) 317 3534 | | Directions | Whatsapp (072) 612-5747

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If you find yourself part of a collision please contact us on our 24-hour line (072) 612-5747 and we will be there to help.

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