
Car Care

Operating hours

Did you know that Giorgio Express Auto Body Repairs are operating 6 days a week for your convenience? Mon – Fri 07:30 to 17:00 Saturday 9:00 – 10:00 Open for quotes, drop-offs and collections only. We also have a 24-hour emergency contact number for all your after-hour needs, so make sure to add 072 612 5747 to your...

What Must a Person Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

In this informative article, we look at what a person must do after a motor vehicle accident!  What must a person do after a motor vehicle accident?  Call the police or report the accident to the nearest police station:  Within 24 hours if a person is killed or injured; or  On the first working day after the accident if no one...

How to Change a Tyre Safely & Quickly

Knowing how to change a tyre safely & quickly is an essential skill set all drivers should have! However, if you are sure how to. Don’t worry because this step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know! A big thanks to Popular Mechanics for the great article! Changing a tyre on the side of the road was a...

Understanding Vehicle Insurance

When it comes to understanding vehicle Insurance with its terms and conditions along with the small print it can sometimes seem impossible to know exactly what you are covered for and what your rights are. In this informative article, we are going to look at what questions to ask and what conditions to look out for. QUESTIONS...

Tips on fuel-efficient driving

Considering the current price of petrol, this article offers some amazing tips on fuel-efficient driving techniques. If you are looking to put some extra cash in your wallet and not your petrol tank make sure you read this. It’s as simple as making minor tweaks and changes to your daily driving habits. Here are some key...
Giorgio Express

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